
Featured Story Headline goes here

Featured Story Quote goes here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ut vestibulum odio. Proin lacinia dignissim velit nec rutrum. Suspendisse id nunc lacus. Quisque quis sapien quis mi commodo facilisis. Duis molestie id metus at ultricies. Curabitur sed auctor justo, ac luctus ante. Donec iaculis magna ut magna malesuada consectetur. Duis quis quam pellentesque dui sollicitudin blandit. Curabitur convallis sagittis orci, finibus cursus tortor tincidunt et. Aliquam eget rhoncus erat, ut tristique massa. In ultricies turpis purus, in bibendum dolor varius vitae. Suspendisse luctus aliquet neque, vitae rutrum lorem semper a. Integer sem nisi, fermentum vitae lectus at, viverra sagittis magna. Aenean ut viverra arcu. Proin eleifend elit vel mi rhoncus, nec suscipit dui sollicitudin. Duis facilisis finibus dolor sed efficitur. Pellentesque venenatis turpis et ipsum consectetur, ut efficitur neque lacinia. Nullam eget felis porttitor, mattis mauris eu, dapibus ex. Etiam laoreet, justo a dictum euismod, risus elit rhoncus lacus, non pharetra nisl ipsum nec felis. Proin aliquet ipsum sem, et imperdiet lacus tempor vel. Aenean at nisi eros. Mauris ipsum dolor, convallis ut nulla eget, pretium consectetur orci. Vestibulum eget odio at purus tristique pretium vitae vitae orci.

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340Basics is at the forefront of healthcare technology, delivering cutting-edge software solutions to all 340B-eligible healthcare providers and pharmacies.

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30+ Year Global Strategic Partner

SVB is a leading American bank providing products, services and strategic advice for businesses at every stage. They operate as a go-to commercial bank for start-ups and established corporations, offering venture funding, private banking & wealth advising. SVB is the largest lender to technology companies globally.

SVB has built its reputation as the financial partner of the innovation economy – helping individuals, investors and the world’s most innovative companies achieve extraordinary outcomes.
PFG and SVB have maintained an official strategic partnership since the late 1980’s. We have collaborated together as co-lenders and extended each other's ability to reach new markets and provide deeper capital to high-growth companies.

PFG and SVB have provided growth debt across the U.S. & Canada, Europe, Middle East, Asia, and Latin America, where we co-manage a Venture Debt Latin America Growth Lending Fund.

IFC logo

IFC — a member of the World Bank Group — is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in emerging markets. IFC works in more than 100 countries, using its capital, expertise, and influence to create markets and opportunities in developing countries, leveraging the power of the private sector to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity.

PFG and IFC are strategic partners where we extend IFC’s direct venture and VC funding, collaborating on fintech and tech lending across global growth markets.

10+ Year Global Strategic Partner

Aims to be the partner of choice for the private sector in Latin America and the Caribbean. They finance projects to advance clean energy, modernize agriculture, strengthen transportation systems and expand access to financing.

IDB Invest, a member of the IDB Group, is a multilateral development bank committed to promoting the economic development of its member countries in Latin America and the Caribbean through the private sector. IDB Invest finances sustainable companies and projects to achieve financial results and maximize economic, social, and environmental development in the region. With a portfolio of $16.3 billion in asset management and 347 clients in 25 countries, IDB Invest provides innovative financial solutions and advisory services that meet the needs of its clients in a variety of industries.

PFG leads a joint venture with IDB Invest that provides debt capital to emerging innovative tech companies across the region via our Latin America Growth Lending Fund. The initiative brings investment expertise into LAC from top notch global players in this field.